Children’s Lutheran Youth Group

Kids 4 Christ

And Jesus increased in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and man. – Luke 2:52

Cross Children’s Ministry (Kindergarten-4th Grade) takes place on Wednesday evenings in the new school building from 6:15-7:30 PM. We will meet in the new Children’s Ministry space on the second floor. On the 2nd Wednesday of the month, we have our All IN worship nights that begin at 6:15PM with a meal offered for everyone at 5:45PM. We encourage parents to stay and enjoy activities with their children on these nights!

All of these things work in conjunction to help us accomplish our three goals:

• Families worshipping together
Parents guiding discipleship in their homes
• Kids having another caring adult to mentor them

Check our church newsletter for updates on a few family fun activities that will be taking place.

Parents of Wednesday night attendees will also receive monthly updates and tips for extending each lesson into the family’s everyday activities.

We invite children to join us for our Sunday School program, Cross Kids. The vision of Cross Lutheran’s Sunday School is to nurture the spiritual growth of children while partnering with their families to serve the Lord.