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We warmly welcome people of all backgrounds and cultures to join on our journey of faith together. Through worship services, relationships in Christian Community and loving service to our neighbors, we hope to mature as disciples of Jesus Christ.

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Cross Lutheran is a vibrant and active family of faith in Yorkville, Illinois where people of all upbringings and identities can learn about and follow Jesus. All are welcome to join together on a mission as we Walk with God, Grow in Faith Together, and Love Our Neighbors.

We believe a follower of Jesus will mature as a disciple of Jesus through the intentional processes of spiritual formation and leadership multiplication. Jesus’ work on earth is not limited to a few people in a few places but is gifted to all believers in all places. At Cross we encourage and challenge each other to be in the presence of Jesus right where you are.

Cross_Lutheran_Announcements Ephesians- One IN Christ (Summer to Fall 2024)

Current Sunday Sermon Series: One IN Christ

Stained glass windows have many beautiful, unique pieces of glass. The beauty comes from all of those individual pieces coming together to create a glorious whole piece of art! Another example we are seeing come to life at Cross right now: the construction of a new building! Every piece of flooring, walls, panels, wiring, and many other items are all needed to help that building come together. In Ephesians, we will learn how that same concept applies to us, the Church. The Church is more than a place: it is the gathering of God’s beloved children in faithful community. We know that community can be at times messy because we are all very different people. Our Heavenly Father knows and understands, because He created us differently! That is why He speaks to us today through His Word and helps us to see how the early Church worked through these very same struggles and trials while living as One IN Christ, so that we can do the same through Him.


Walking With God


Growing In Faith Together


Loving Our Neighbors

Upcoming Events

Cross Lutheran brings us together in celebration

Our Lutheran church is home to an inspiring and fascinating celebration of faith and love. Our community is not only fun – it lifts the hearts of all of us who believe in a better world and gives us hope for tomorrow. Cross is a place where people of all ages can worship and encourage harmony.


For by grace you have been saved, through faith – and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God – not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works which God prepared in advance for us to do. Ephesians 2:8-10