About Cross Lutheran School

Cross Lutheran School has served children with quality education since 1881. We are dedicated to supporting the Christian home through teaching the Word of God and nurturing the faith of children, preschool through eighth grade. Our staff believes in preparing students for academic success, as well as inspiring love of their Savior, and highlighting His place in their daily lives.

Our classrooms offer an atmosphere where Christ and His redeeming love are a part of student life. Secular subjects are taught with a Christian interpretation that offers students a rich understanding of their coursework, as well as a strengthened relationship with the Lord. We hope to be an integral part of your child’s development in both education and faith.

We offer classes for three-year-old preschoolers through eighth grade. Our institution holds National Lutheran School Accreditation and is recognized by the State of Illinois. Teachers and staff at Cross Lutheran School bring the love of God into the classroom, while encouraging students to reach their full potential academically, physically, and spiritually.

“Welcome to Cross Lutheran School! I have been a part of this ministry for well over a decade now and I still find it difficult to put all Cross encompasses into words. This community of students, families, faculty and staff is an inspiring blend of loving you just the way you are and inspiring you to be even better.

We recognize that learning is a lifelong endeavor and the best way to help young people succeed is to inspire them to love learning and to love the God who made it all. We strive for excellence and catch one another when we fall. Cross won’t just be a blessing for your student, but for your whole family and we know your family will be a blessing to the community at Cross.” – Pastor Erik Gauss

Frequently Asked Questions

Students in our school will be given a safe environment to learn and will be loved and prayed for by our staff. They will be taught how to love and respect others. We are a family at Cross Lutheran School. Families grow and learn together. We succeed and rejoice together, and we fail and forgive together. It is this Christ-like world view that your child will gain while attending Cross. Your child will be able to take this faith with them through their whole life’s journey.

Cross Lutheran teachers hold certification in CPR and have been through A.L.I.C.E. training with local law enforcement. In addition to our training, we maintain a locked building with visitors checking into the school office during school hours. The school participates in fire safety, lock down drills, and tornado drills on a regular basis.

At Cross Lutheran School, we strive to provide each individual with the tools they need to succeed at their highest potential. These tools include rigorous academics, physical activity, exposure to the arts, continuous social development, and a Christ-like world view. We want children who attend our school to not only have knowledge in curricular areas, but know how to work with other people of all ages. Our work across grade levels encourages leadership and humility. Our service projects help students to see beyond themselves in our immediate building, our community, and around the world.